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Dissociative identity Disorder or bipolar disorder?


Updated: Mar 31, 2020

Often misinterpreted, Dissociative identity disorder (DID) previously known as multiple personality disorder, and bipolar disorder are two different disorders with distinct differences. In the following blog, I’ve tried my best to make these differences as clear as I could. 

Dissociation is a disconnection between a person’s thoughts, memories, feelings, actions or sense of who they are. Sometime in our life, we all have experienced dissociation, though in small ways; Examples of mild, common dissociation include daydreaming, highway hypnosis or “getting lost” in a book or movie, all of which involve “losing touch” with awareness of one’s immediate surroundings. However for individuals with DID, these dissociations are highly elevated. Dissociation can be categorised into 3 types: Dissociative identity disorder, dissociative amnesia and depersonalization. 

Focusing on Dissociative identity disorder (DID), a person with DID is characterized by at least 2 or more personalities. These alternative personalities have their own memories and awareness. For example, the first case of DID was identified in 1971 when a german woman began speaking fluent french and started behaving like a french aristocrat, without ever visiting france or having learnt french. These personalities, which are better known as alters, have specific personality traits which are unique to each 0f them, and are defined as temporary behaviors that depend on the situation and motives of the individual. Although hard to identify, DID affects about 1-3% of the world's population. About 90% percent of the cases are caused due to repeated childhood trauma which unables the individual's personality to fully integrate into a permanent identity. For those who’ve undergone traumatic experiences, accidents or were victims of crime, dissociation helps them block that memory from their mind which allows them to cope and bear with the situation. By doing so, they try to mentally escape from the pain, horror and trauma of that experience. 

Moving to Bipolar disorder, it is a more common disorder, affecting about 45 million people all over the world. According to WHO, bipolar disorder “typically consists of both manic and depressive episodes separated by periods of normal mood.” 

Bipolar individuals undergo unusuals shifts in moods, energy levels, concentration and ability to carry out tasks. Individuals have moods that range from periods of extremely “up,” elated, irritable, or energized behavior known as manic episodes, to very “down,” sad, indifferent, or hopeless periods (known as depressive episodes). Less severe manic periods are known as hypomanic episodes. During manic episodes, people may be ‘revved up’ and have unusual amounts of energy, such episodes are characterized by exaggerated self-esteem, irregular sleeping patterns, they are easily distracted and indulge in risky behaviours (like speeding while driving). In many cases, individuals may be hospitalised in order to keep them safe. In cases of less severe manic episodes, called hypomanic episodes, the individual does not have any major problems that mania often causes and the person is still able to function. On the other hand, Depressive moods are moods of Intense sadness or despair; feeling helpless, hopeless or worthless. These moods are characterized by sleeping problems, restlessness, agitation, feelings of guilt, and losing interest in activities they previously had interests in. 

Bipolar disorder is further classified into 3 types- 

● Bipolar I disorder- highlighted by severe manic episodes which typically last about a week, depressive episodes occur as well and last about 2 weeks. A mix of both episodes are also common 

● Bipolar II disorder- Highlighted by depressive episodes and hypomanic episodes, sometimes, individuals undergo therapy incase of severe depressive episodes. 

● Cyclothymic disorder- Cyclothymic disorder, or cyclothymia, is a form of bipolar disorder characterized by distinct episodes of hypomanic symptoms) and depressive symptoms over a period of at least two years. However, these episodes are not that severe and individuals manage and communicate normally in society. 

Ultimately, life can be difficult for people suffering from DID and bipolar disorder, but these can be managed and controlled if diagnosed professionally and treated with proper care. DID is usually helped by only therapy while bipolar disorder is usually helped with medicines and psychotherapy.



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