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Feminism = Equality

Shriya Saxena

Do you believe in misogyny? If not then read ahead.

Do you believe in misandry? If not then read ahead.

So now that we have established that you are a feminist,read ahead.

Feminism as defined by the oxford dictionary is “the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of equality of both sexes”. The word “equality” and lack of any words of aggression helps to segregate feminism, pseudo-feminism and misandry.

The feminist movement started in the 19th century,in India. About two centuries later,we still face gender bias,stereotypes,and discrimination basis gender.Is the fight over yet? The answer is a clear no. Look around you, do you think that the sexes have equal pay for the same work? Are our fathers expected to look after the household duties?But it's a “woman’s duty” to do so. Are men encouraged to play with dolls? While dolls are the only toys for a little girl. Aren’t little boys asked not to cry? Aren’t they taught toxic-masculinity? Don’t we discourage little girls from standing up for themselves,because it's “disrespectful”? While aggression in a boy is treated as an attractive trait.

The fight for equality is a long road ahead. The fight for breaking gender stereotypes,the fight for being respected in all walks of life despite gender, is still on.We have a long way to grow. We have had 172 years of growth, please don’t retard this. Educate yourself, read online, talk to your friends who wholeheartedly believe in this ideology. I request you to please take a look at your surroundings with an empathetic lens. Burst your bubble, equality is still under construction.


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