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Fire and Water

Namyata Nagda

You and I don't get along with others because they try to separate us. You are water, ever flowing, accepting all emotions. I'm fire, ever consuming, burning down all desires. They say we're complete opposites because you give life and I take life. But, is it really true? Do you not drown people when they come too close to your heart? Do I not cook and refine the food given to me and provide nourishment? Why do people view us as polarities having separate existences

when we cannot exist without each other.

When we are in harmony inside the human body, I provide digestion, you provide cooling. When we come together in your large belly beneath the ocean, you tame me and I become a volcano that will never erupt.

When we are separated, you flow with an intensity to flood villages and I burn with an intensity to start a forest fire that will not stop. We come together at the border of the village and the forest and unite. We are one again and there is no destruction. We seek each other in separation and do not stop and until we are united. After all we are two parts of the same soul. Not soulmates, but Twin Flames of the Universe.



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