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India And Its Ideals of Worth

Manas Gupta

No one ever seems to question why some people in our society are rich and regarded wile others are just , you know, insignificant.

Watchmen , drivers , sweepers , clerks etc. We never really seem to respect them. It's not like we shout at them and call them poor and inadequate but let's face it , not many of us would listen to a McDonald's cashier if he gave us life advice. Why?. I've wondered since I was a child why are they considered lower than us , or stupid or mainly, a person we could never be in the future? There are many reasons and I wish I could write about them all but I have figured one of the main reasons which India makes its judgments on.

Before I get into that reason let's take an example.

You're fixing your bicycle and are simply unable to figure out what's wrong with it . But your Watchman comes around whips it into good shape in two seconds and walks off while teasing you to his fellow Watchman friends and laughing at you. What would you do , not care right? But in your subconscious you'd think "wow how can he talk , he's a Watchman who is he ?" Even if it's for a second many of us would definitely think this.

So back to the point , if you figured out what this hypothetical example highlighted , and why one would lower his worth like that is , education , he's uneducated.

We don't believe that anyone around us could be way better than us if they're uneducated. We don't know his life experiences , hardships and disregard the lessons an empty stomach and sleepless nights could've taught him that might make him better than us , in many situations. But this is not only for the people around us , it's ourself too. Many of us Indian teenagers think we are inadequate , and we can think that our generation is way ahead because we do certain things but many of our ideas of someone's worth remain the same . We wouldn't ever think that a teenager addicted to drugs could be hurting , on the inside , hating himself , no he is a brat. These same ideals apply on this societal benchmark of worth which is education , no matter how WOKE we are regarding many social issues we are still the same on the front of education or educated people . It defines our worth and when we are bad at it we deem ourself worthless too. Infact it's so bad we don't realise. We ruin our mental state judging ourself for being bad at a math exam and don't realise our gifts and natural qualities because of this. Many of us even call our peers who can't do well in exams stupid and automatically think they will be unsuccessful. we destroy their self worth in the process. A boy could be selfless, caring mature and extremely efficient but if he is getting bad grades those amazing qualities will be overlooked.

But it doesn't end there either . It's not just the economically backward and the failures it's the toppers too. They hate themself for losing out on those 5 marks and overlook the 95 they got while the "failure" hates himself for missing out on that passing mark by just 2 marks. They're in two different leagues with regard to studying but how does it matter if they both think they're worthless? They fail to realise they're own potential as both of them think they haven't studied ENOUGH, for success.

I'm finally going to conclude this rant turned into article and if you've made it this far I hope you learn from this.

I hope you've learnt to give yourself credit, not everywhere , but certainly where it is due . I hope you see worth outside of books and grades. I hope you learn to respect , respect everyone's story and situation and also give THEM credit where credit is due , looking at the areas where they have excelled and ARE better than you , despite the money in their pocket , despite their education.



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