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Lives Matter

Buvan Kanvathirtha

Do you think we should be called Humans?

We, humans, have titled ourselves as the most ingenious creatures on this blue planet and it isn’t untrue that today we are in a more contemporary

society. We, at a very slow pace, unknowingly are being depleted of all the intelligence we possess and all of this is the result of our actions.  

    The reason I feel so is because of the recent disgraceful

and traumatic act of homicide which we all witnessed

through a video; A white policeman killed a black man for

using counterfeit bills, the policeman was later fired. This act

got mushroomed all over the world and was hyped on every

social media platform . We could see everyone opposing this

brutal act as we ought to support the victim for he has to be

given justice, protesting for it is significant. These protests were incited with banner of “Black Lives Matter”.

I hold a perspective regarding this

situation, for and according to my belief raising the slogan

“Black Lives Matter” is extremely apt for this situation as the globe stands against those who discriminate against those of colour. However, this is because the situation demands so. Our motto generally in life should be that Lives matter.

We have to stop racial profiling and start looking at things through the

“Humanitarian Angle”. 

We should acknowledge the way we are and be proud of it and also understand

that we all are unique creations.

Again looking at the challenging subject of concern i.e. the

Racial Discrimination and the struggles faced by people. They

usually bear such sufferings and do not defend against these

wrongs but there is always a way through which we could

deal with such circumstances with a pragmatic approach. 

I would like to mention that, once during the questionnaire

round in a beauty contest, a contestant was asked by one of

the panelists that –Does she (the contestant) think that she

is beautiful even though she was dark to which the

contestant answered in a stupendous way, she said, “Yes, I

am beautiful because whatever God creates is beautiful”.

This admirable answer makes us realize that it is not the kind

of colour or the skin which we have is important but it is

essential to have a good soul which looks at everyone with

equality and respect and makes efforts in curbing the racial

discrimination in the world and consequently making

everybody understand that “All Lives Matter”.

Lives undeniably do matter but it is not only restricted to us

humans. The other creations of God too, in essence, the

wildlife around us. Animals are living beings too and their

lives matter too.

Another recent case of an elephant’s death has left us all

disheartened. There were a lot of speculations made

regarding the incident. The elephant died as it is said to have

had crackers stuffed in a pineapple while in search of food.

Locals on their behalf said that the pineapple stuffed with

crackers was kept as a trap to keep away wild animals. Today

we have devastated most of the wildlife and are making

these creatures living in the wild devoid of their natural

habitats. We would detest if someone creates disruptions in

our normal life, therefore, it is very similar for the animals

too. We shouldn’t interrupt the wildlife in its normal

functioning and respect all the creatures.

As I write this and contemplate about the things I mentioned,

I feel that the answer to the question which arose in my mind

in the very beginning does not seem to be definite. 

To conclude, I would like to say that if we respect the

distinctiveness, diverse shades and the importance of life

including not only us but also of every life existing in this

biosphere, the world would be a more colourful and a better

place to live in.  

Do not let the hassles make the world shatter, every Life it

sustains in it Matters.


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