Let’s be real- everyone is emotionally intellectual. There’s no denying that. But our personality lies in how well we express these emotions along with how well it is perceived by others. Sometimes, we aren’t clear about our feelings- we show one thing and feel something else. A facial expression of emotion depends not only on the face itself, but also the context in which the expression is situated. Without context, every emotion, sentence and concept seems out of place. Without context, we have no sizeable understanding about another’s emotions. We project our confusion by taunting someone else’s emotions even though we don’t know about the circumstances. Sometimes, we seek comfort by undermining someone’s emotions and we’re all guilty of this at one point or the other.
Making judgements is our go-to response whenever we come across something we don’t understand. Even as teenagers, we don’t have each other’s backs. We already fight judgements and condemning taunts from adults who very blatantly tell us we have no understanding of the world around us. Is that not a cue for at least standing up for one another? All I ask is that we be there for each other. The younger generations are already achieving so much even though the times are against us- every teenager’s initial thought is ‘What will people think’ and I, for one, think it’s about time we scrap that trash mentality. The biggest insult to those who judge us is when we overcome their worthless criticism and be the best version of ourselves that we can be. Sometimes being fuelled by just spite can be enough to lead us to being happy and satisfied with ourselves and gradual improvements.
This is still too ambitious a conviction if we can’t get over our baseless hatred for our own. It’s nearly about time we leave behind our unnecessary pride and prejudice and embrace our achievements and those of others equally in our stride. The unimaginable concept of support seems so foreign yet it’s so close to us. It’s so rare and yet so easy a practice to adopt. We are truly supportive if we don’t just show superficial support to only those close to us but being understanding and appreciative of others sole achievements. It’s the small things we do that will be later be enormously appreciated by others- we just don’t know this yet because we have no understanding of how tough a person’s life can be and how a few kind kind words and some help (which may even be inconsequential to us) can go such a long way.
I get that when everything is so competitive in this era, it’s easier said than done but self-reflection does so much good for your soul. But forgive that person who hurt you because your hatred may hurt them more than they hurt you. It’s not wrong to even protect yourself from getting hurt but please, do not hurt another in the process of doing so. It’s only decent human behaviour to give back as much as you get and being a good human isn’t a favour but something you do out of a good heart. Would you rather be known for being bitter or be known as a good, supportive person? It’s all about perspective.