Dear Society,
Lately I’ve been trying to understand
The actual meaning of your taunts
Why you say and do certain things
Which to me it certainly haunts
You seem to be too bothered
About the length of my dress
What time I reach home at night
Shouldn’t be your headache and stress
If you expect me to act maturely
You gotta stop treating me like a child
Your screams, shouts and taunts
Are simplygonnaget me more wild
Don’t tell me I’m too bold and bossy
Just because I have an opinion of my own
Don’t try to mute down my voice now
Because I’ve found my own sound and tone
Don’t try to shush me down
When I question your authority
To know what’s going on around me
Is my right and also a priority
Don’t talk negative about my generation
Just because we didn’t give in to your mentality
We preached to always love one another
Irrespective of caste, creed, colour or sexuality
Don’t push me into looking a certain way
Let me embrace my sense of individuality
Let my uniqueness speak for itself
I don’t wish to be a part of the herd of popularity
Don’t try to prove to me that
Women must face inferiority
Because that time has long gone
And now it’s all about equality
Don’t tell me I’m too thin or fat
Or taunt me due to my weight or complexion
The way I am and the way I look
Is the reflection of God’s creation
So Dear Society,
Let’s broaden the horizons of our minds
Because I want to be heard when I speak
I’ve been blinded and muted enough now
My emotions are done playing hide and seek.
Let my life and decisions
Besolely my choice
I speak for thenationsyouth when I say
“We are the youth with a Voice”