An inherent desire
To be engaged with
Fills us to the brim.
We brush it aside,
Painting it to be
A negative emotion.
We decide
The relative importance
It holds for
A particular person.
Showering it infinitely
On some,
We abstain from
Distributing even a pinch
To the other few.
Having stifled
It's growing hunger within,
We find it appropriate
To expect the same
Of others.
Turning away
When we see it being
Requested or demanded
By the selected few,
We gladly strew
It's attentive sprigs
On those we consider deserving.
As the burning desire
Softens and smoulders,
We believe it's heat
Has steadily disappeared.
Forcing the same
On the few others,
We forget their
Need or desire for recognition.
Like most burning embers
The flames seem
To diffuse and dissipate.
Their innate heat,
Blazes strong and clear.