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What is Right and What is Wrong?


People always say, “Before doing something assess if it’s right or wrong.” But did you ever think that what actually is right and what is wrong? I mean, don’t you think it is a very relative term and a thing that is right for someone is actually wrong for the other. No sane person on Earth would ever do anything that he fells is wrong but will move forward with it if he has the feeling that its right.

Yes, there are ideas like ethics which are one of the main components for us to know if one thing is ethical, that is, right or it is not ethical, that is, wrong. But for someone who is undergoing major crisis in his life, is underprivileged, will he give a thought about ethics or take an impulsive decision that can bring some food to his plate and shelter to his family? For us privileged people who during such a tense world situation are sitting in our air-conditioned homes, a very petty theft would seem very unethical and crossing a huge line. But for a poor man whose whole family relies on him, such an action would be the right thing to do as it’ll fill his family’s stomach. Reading this, you may ponder poor or rich, good men would have an inner voice telling them that they shouldn’t do it. Yes, one

would but when one sees one’s family, one’s loved ones, going to sleep with an empty stomach, one may overrule that inner voice.

Well, that was more about actions but what about ideologies? What is right and what is wrong? Is there really a right and a wrong side in a war or just two opposing sides trying to establish their idea? Were the Kauravas really bad and Pandavas good? This year we almost thought that we may witness

the next World War, or at least that’s what the ‘memers’ suggested. But let’s travel back in time in the late 1930s when Fascism was getting popular in Europe. Many may just think that the WW2 was because of invasion of Poland but I believe that difference in ideologies and outlooks played the biggest role.

We live in a so called ‘free’ world based on ideas like capitalism and democracy and condemn fascism. But what if Hitler won the war? Would we still despise Nazism and embrace liberalism? Most of the people now tag communism and fascism as farce, cruel and outdated, not meant for this world. But if the tables had turned then, would they continue to do so? Thinking about an alternate universe, let’s say Axis powers won and we live in a world where unlike

now, Hitler is shown like the new messiah, a legend who freed us all from the evils of liberalism and made our lives better. Freedom of speech and humanitarian rights are taboos while all Jews are now extinct as Hitler didn’t spare even one. We live in a happy world where women are the nothing but tools to increase our lineage and produce more and more children who will pledge allegiance to the

Fuhrer of the nation, our Nazi masters, a happy world with no evil Jews, a world that Hitler dreamt about. In this world, capitalism and liberalism is despised.

Suddenly everything that was right before becomes wrong and all wrong becomes right. Hence, it is the winning party that dictates us and our personalities to think that a certain action or idea is wrong and the other is perfectly correct. In the end, I do believe that in reality there is nothing right or

wrong but the one side that has more followers, more powers, more reasons and facts wins and decides what actually can be termed right and wrong.

What do you think?

1 Comment

Atraiu sinha
Atraiu sinha
Sep 04, 2020

Sup its me Adit , very cool blog . This literally has changed the way i think


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