Quarantine helped me discover,
My ability to write!
Magically it transformed
Into my Infatuation
Astonishment satiated within
When I commenced
Composing my first poem…
Miraculously my potential rose
As I penned my sentiments
I couldn’t give credence,
To what I jotted
Discerning my proficiency
I started writing about
Prevailing nature of humans
That snatched my sleep…
Writing handed me a distinct
Sort of freedom!
A freedom to articulate myself
A freedom to be heard of
In a very apposite manner
Buoyancy bounded me
It bestowed me with
A sense of belongingness
Over my writings…
My self-esteem soared
When people stated,
My writings were relatable…
Further was I encouraged to write
Notating helped me create
Stability and solidity!
Vehemence delimited as it
Gradually elevated my state of mind
I went through a series of
Emotional turbulence
When two instant demises
Occurred in my family
I was jammed with uncertainty
Chaos filled within me
I couldn’t have control over
The number of hours I wept
Baffled was I
As to where to vent
And curse the heaven
For splitting me from my dear ones
My heart ache persistently
Relentlessly I snivelled,
Tormented by distress,
Not recognizing what to do
I sluggishly unlocked my,
Room to escape!
I penned down the trauma
And the incidents that followed…
I instantly felt allayed!
Felt like a huge poignant
Burden is resolved
My cheeks curved out of a smile!
A smile that I hadn’t envisioned
On my face for a very prolonged period
Writing aided me to conquer
All my emotional skirmishes
Undeniably, writing truly turned out
To be the finest therapy
I could ever ask for!
It transmuted like a
Medicine that heals you from within…
Writing is the Best Healer
hitanshi lalan